Responsible for the content (in the sense of §5 Telemediengesetz):
GMCON GmbH (nXtIAM U.G. i.G.)
66663 Merzig
Phone: +49 6861 91 50 102
Fax: +49 6861 91 50 103
Personally liable partner:
Registered office: Merzig
Register court: Amtsgericht Saarbrücken
HRB 107399
Managing partner:
Rainer Guckeisen
Sales tax identification number:
Ust-Ident number DE DE342960463
All contents of this website including design and programming are subject to copyright. All rights reserved, all information without guarantee, subject to change. The use of text and image material is only permitted with express permission. If this website contains links to websites in other areas of responsibility, we expressly distance ourselves from their content.
Liability for links:
With the judgment of September 12, 1999 – 312 O 85/99 – ‚Liability for Links‘ – the Regional Court of Hamburg decided that by placing a link, one may be jointly responsible for the contents of the linked page. This can be prevented – so the LG – only by the fact that one dissociates oneself expressly from these contents. We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all contents of linked pages or graphics and do not adopt them as our own. All violations of applicable law, custom or morality, which become known to us, will result in the immediate deletion of links, entries, graphics or similar.